Thursday, July 23, 2020

1st-5th Grade Lesson: Bible Bad Guys~The Big Bad 1 (7/26)

1st-5th Grade-Bible Bad Guys: July 26th
¯ The Big Bad 1 

Main Point: The best and smartest way to keep from being lied to by people who are teaching you about God is to study the Word of God. 

Bible Reading: Revelation 13:1-10, Matthew 7:15-20

Memory Verse: Psalm 1:5-6

Introducing Bad Guy #6, the Anti-Christ. He is a false god and he is coming. False teachers lead people away from the Jesus and the Gospel. If we don’t want to be lied to, we need to get closer to God, spend time with Him in prayer and learn His Word so that we know His teachings and can tell if someone is trying to lead us away from the true God. 

Main Lesson: 
What comes to mind when you think of a bad guy? In the movies, the villain looks bad, they wear black clothing, masks to hide their face, have an evil smile and/or laugh. I think of Darth Vader or the Green Goblin in Spiderman. In real life, I think of Hitler. 
When we think of villains, we don’t think of them as nice-looking people dressed in suits with a joyful personality and really convincing personality. However, the Bible explains of a villain exactly like that and we will call him the “Big Bad” …The “Big Bad” in the Bible is called the Anti-Christ. He is a false prophet who will come to Earth during the last days and convince millions of people to follow him.
Read Revelation 13:1-10
A nice man who is well-dressed, with a great smile, that doesn’t shout ‘bad guy’. The antichrist will most likely have these qualities and he will be teaching people things that are NOT truth. He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. What does this mean?? A wolf attacks, is vicious, hunts his food, etc. A sheep is gentle, kind, not aggressive, etc.
What can you do so that you are safe and know the one true God? 
Read Matthew 7: 15-20
We need to stay close to Jesus. It starts by accepting that Christ is the Savior of the world and forgiver of our sins. We need to know that He is the Lord of Life and Lord of All. He is the way, the truth, and the life. Spend time in His Word, getting to know who He is and understand His truths. Pray that your relationship with Him will grow strong. You need to judge every teaching you hear by going back to the Bible to check it to make sure it’s truth. 
The Big Bad is coming. BUT we belong to Jesus and the Bible was given to us so that we know a false teacher when we see one. 
Accept Christ as your Savior. If you have not made this decision yet and you’d like to, talk to your parents, your Sunday School teachers, a family member who knows Jesus and can help you. 
Spend time with Him daily and learn what the Bible says. 

Discussion Questions: 
1.                Have you ever heard of the antichrist? What have you heard about him? 
2.               What’s the best way to prepare ourselves when faced with false teachers? 
3.               Do you spend time in God’s word on a weekly basis outside of church? Create a plan to start doing that.    

Coloring page: 

(This lesson is adapted from

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