Thursday, June 25, 2020

PreK & Kindergarten Lesson: JOSEPH IN PRISON (6/28)

Preschool & Kindergarten-June 28th
Joseph in Prison

Bible Reading: Genesis 39:20-40:23—Joseph in Prison 

Introduction: Click here to watch the lesson introduction!
Even though he hadn’t done a single thing wrong, Joseph ended up in jail in Egypt. Joseph was scared but he trusted in God to see him through and was able to help other people.  You can trust God no matter what scary thing comes your way and you can keep helping others.

Main Idea: God is with us even during scary times. 
Joseph was scared when he was sold and taken away to jail. Yellow is the color for fear. Joseph trusted God even though he was afraid and God took care of Joseph in jail. He gave Joseph the ability to make friends in jail, help others, and interpret dreams. Through it all, Joseph trusted in God and God took care of Joseph and protected him.

Memory Verse: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Do not depend on your own understanding.” -Proverbs 3:5

Next Week: We will be learning about how God was with Joseph and his life changed from a being prisoner to being second in charge of Egypt. 

Coloring Page: 
Joseph in Prison

(This lesson is adapted from

1st-5th Grade Lesson: Bible Bad Guys--Pharaoh (6/28)

1st-5th Grade-June 28th
¯ Bible Bad Guys-Pharaoh

Main Point: We need to listen and obey when God Speaks to us. It is a waste of our time to not do what God wants if we know what He is asking of us.

Bible Reading: 
Exodus 5:1-5
Exodus 7:14-21
Exodus 14:5-9

Memory Verse: Psalm 1:5-6

Pharaoh had a hard heart. He didn’t want to let God’s people go. God wanted His people free. In the end, think about what happened to Pharaoh’s army. It turned out worse than if he listened to begin with. When He (God) speaks, we need to listen and obey.

It’s silly and a waste of time fighting a fight you will never win. Think about a football coach whose team is down 50 points. Should he play his best players and risk them getting hurt because they are super tired. Pharaoh didn’t know when to quit…he was so stubborn and did not listen. 

Read Exodus 5:1-5

As the ruler of Egypt, Pharaoh was in charge of the most powerful nation on Earth at the time. He even had an entire nation of people be slaves to the Egyptians; the Israelites, the children of God. He wanted them free from Pharaoh and slavery, but Pharaoh was not going to let them go just like that. Pharaoh didn’t know about the God of Israel. Pharaoh was his own god so of course he wasn’t going to listen to this other God. He was about to learn the hard way to LISTEN. 

Read Exodus 7: 14-21

The 10 Plagues…God showed His awesome power through this yet Pharaoh’s heart remained hard until the final plague. Who knows what the 10th plague was?? The Angel of Death came and the firstborn in every household died…Pharaoh’s son died from this plague. He decided to let the Israelites go but then sent his men and chariots to capture them. Who knows what happened to Pharaoh’s men after God’s people made it through the parted Red Sea? 

Ready Exodus 14:5-9

Let’s think about Pharaoh’s story. He’s a perfect example of someone who doesn’t know when enough is enough. 

When God speaks, we need to listen NOW. He has a plan for each of us. We can only do His plan if we are listening and obeying Him. He is patient and forgiving, but He will not back down from His plan for you. 

Many other stories in the Bible teach the same lesson. Jonah and the whale. Jonah was told to speak to the sinful nation of Nineveh, but he ran away on a ship, God sent a storm and he ended up getting eaten by a whale to refocus Jonah.  

Is God speaking to you today? If He’s not or you don’t know, He probably will in the future. He might want you to become friends with someone who has no friends. He might ask you to stand up and do the right thing even if it means you could lose a friend.

Remember this story of Pharaoh. Listen & obey God NOW. It’s God’s way, and great things will happen because you listened to Him. 

Discussion Questions: 
1.   Have you gotten in trouble over and over again for doing something you were told not to do? What was it? 
2.  What was your punishment? Why did you keep doing it after being told over and over again not to do that?
3.  What does this story about Pharaoh tell us about not obeying God? 
4.  Why do you think it’s hard to listen & obey God sometimes? 

Coloring Page: 
The Ten Plagues
Click here to download & print coloring page!

Word Search 
Click here to download & print word search!

(This lesson is adapted from

Thursday, June 18, 2020

PreK & Kindergarten Lesson: JOSEPH & HIS JEALOUS BROTHERS

Preschool & Kindergarten-June 21st
¯ Joseph’s Jealous Brothers

Bible Reading: Genesis 37:3-7, 17-35—Joseph Sold Into Slavery 

Joseph’s father, Jacob loved him more than all of Joseph’s other brothers. He gave Joseph a beautiful, colorful coat. It was yellow, purple, blue, and green. Joseph’s brothers were so jealous of him that they threw him into a pit and then sold him into slavery. However, Joseph trusted in God even though he was treated so badly.

Main Idea: God is with us even during bad times. 
Joseph’s brothers were green with jealousy, because Jacob, their father loved Joseph more. Green is the color for jealousy. They eventually stole the coat, threw him into a pit, and sold him to some travelers passing through. They took poor Joseph away from his father and his home. Through it all, Joseph trusted God and God cared for him and protected him. 

Memory Verse: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Do not depend on your own understanding.” -Proverbs 3:5

Next Week: We will be learning about how God protected and took care of Joseph. 

Coloring Page: 
Joseph & His Colorful Coat

Click here to download & print coloring page!

(This lesson is adapted from

1st-5th Grade Lesson: Bible Bad Guys--THE SNAKE

1st-2nd Grade-June 21st
¯ Bible Bad Guys-The Snake

Main Point: If we don’t say anything when someone is doing something wrong, we are just as bad as them. 

Bible Reading: Genesis 3:1-8; 14-15

Memory Verse: Psalm 1:5-6

In the Garden of Eden…Adam and Eve were not the only ones punished. The serpent tempted them. Satan used the snake to tempt Adam and Eve. Being a GOOD guy is a lot more than not doing wrong. It’s standing up for what’s right. 

Main Lesson: 
Have you seen something happen where someone did something wrong and the people around just watched it happen? Was someone at school being bullied? Was one of your friends cheating on a test and you didn’t say anything? 

Read Genesis 3:1-8

God created Adam & Eve! The two of them had everything they needed. God blessed them greatly. They had a close relationship with the Lord, they had food, they had each other, everything needed. That was all ruined when they ate the forbidden fruit. It became a blaming game. Adam blamed Eve. Eve blamed the snake. The question here is, was the snake really the one to blame?

Everyone involved was punished…Adam, Eve, and the snake that Satan used to tempt Eve. 

Read Genesis 3:14-15

After reading these verses, we see how God also punished the snake. The snake was used by Satan. God shows us here how He feels about people who don’t stand up against sin. If sin takes place, and you don’t say anything, it’s just as bad.

We all know right and wrong. Again, think about your friends at school. It’s challenging when you’re at school. We all want friends and to be liked, but is it right to allow wrong to happen even if we aren’t doing it. God wants us to not only follow the rules but also stand up for what is right. 

Should we ignore our friends if they are planning to do something mean to someone else? Speak up! 

If a good friend of yours is trying to get you or another friend to do the wrong thing; cheat on a test, pick on the small kid…Speak up! Don’t let your friends sin.

Remember when Eve at the forbidden fruit? What did Adam do? He knew God didn’t want them to eat the fruit but he didn’t try to stop Eve. He ate it too.

It’s easy to just turn our eyes away and ignore someone doing something wrong or we just point our fingers at everyone else. However, God asks more from us. Stand up! Speak up! Be the GOOD guy! Don’t just follow the rules…stand up for what you know is right and for what you know God wants you to do. 

 Discussion Questions: 
1.         Why is doing nothing when you know it’s wrong just as bad as doing something wrong?

2.        Why is it hard to stand up to others and do the right thing? Especially with your friends?

3.        How can we make sure we’re ready to face hard situations like that? 

4.        Do you have a person or situation that is making it hard for you to be the ‘good’ guy? We encourage you to pray and ask God how to talk to this person or try to help the situation. 

Coloring page:
Adam & Eve In the Garden

Click here to download & print coloring page!

(This lesson is adapted from