1st-5th Grade-Bible Bad Guys: July 5th
Main Point: The best way to defeat a giant is to put your faith and trust in the Lord.
Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 17
Memory Verse: Psalm 1:5-6
Click here to watch the lesson introduction!
Goliath was a giant who was big enough and scary enough to send the best soldiers in Israel running and hiding. Yet a small shepherd boy used his faith in God to find the courage it took to stand up to the giant. We too can find courage to stand up to all the big and scary things in our lives when we place our faith and trust in the Lord.
Goliath was a giant who was big enough and scary enough to send the best soldiers in Israel running and hiding. Yet a small shepherd boy used his faith in God to find the courage it took to stand up to the giant. We too can find courage to stand up to all the big and scary things in our lives when we place our faith and trust in the Lord.
Main Lesson:
Have you ever watched the Superbowl? Sometimes in the Superbowl two of the football teams seem like an uneven match. Maybe one team had won every game for that season and had been to the Superbowl several years in a row while the other team barely made it in and had never been before. Doesn’t that seem like an uneven match? Maybe just like David and Goliath were an uneven match? Sports fans certainly like to make David and Goliath comparisons, but in reality, very few sports competitions could even come close to being compared to David vs. Goliath. The real Goliath was more terrifying than any sports team could ever be.
Read 1 Samuel 17:1-11
Goliath was a mighty warrior who was taller, stronger, and fiercer than any warrior the well-trained soldiers in the Israelite army had ever faced before. Not one of them was brave enough to face Goliath...until David.
Read 1 Samuel 17:20-32
After reading this, we see that even though David had fear in his heart as he stood across from the giant he was able to overcome his fear because he had faith in his God. His God had delivered his people back to the promised land and no giant was going to be able to stand in the way.
Read 1 Samuel 17:41-50
As believers, this lesson should be a great reminder and encouragement that no giant, bully, or obstacle can win if the Lord is in the fight. We also know that we have Jesus who gave us victory over sin and death and a God who loves us just as much as he loved the little shepherd boy in our story.
I don’t know the “Goliaths” in your life that you could be facing. You could be having troubles in school, in friendships, or at home that are so big you would rather run and hide than stand and fight. However, no matter what form your “Goliaths” may take, you can overcome them because you have a God that wants to give you victory.
That doesn’t mean that you should sling stones at your problems however! That is now how God will fight the majority of your battles. You need to get on your knees and ask the Lord to give you the words you need and ask him to deliver you from fear.
We are ALL going to face bad guys in our lives. They may not be actual giants but they will still cause us fear and distress. However, we can overcome fear by remembering what a mighty God we serve. We can trust in the Lord to stand with us in our battles. Most importantly, we can remember that when God is for us nothing can stand against us.
Discussion Questions:
1. What sort of “Goliaths” have you faced or are facing right now? What makes them so scary?
2. When you read this story, does it give you hope and courage? Why or why not?
3. Are you facing a giant right now that you need God’s help to defeat?
Coloring page:
David and Goliath
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Click here to download & print coloring page! |
(This lesson is adapted from https://www.childrens-ministry-deals.com)
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