Thursday, August 27, 2020

PreK-5th Grade Lesson: How Believers Live-Stronger Than Chains! (8/30)

 How Believers Live

¯Stronger Than Chains


Bible Reading: Acts 12:1-19


Main Idea: Don’t be surprised when God answers your prayers.  



“The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

 - James 5:16


The apostles told many people about Jesus even if that meant trouble and possible death for them. They also did many miracles in Jesus’ name. More and more people were starting to believe.  


Read Acts 12:1-6

This Bible reading is about how one of the apostles was killed, Peter was arrested, and how the believers responded to all that was happening.  

1.   How do you think the believers felt when one of the apostles was killed? 

2.  What did the believers do for Peter and what did Herod do to make sure that Peter didn’t escape?


Read Acts 12:7-15

This passage is about how God answered their prayers in a miraculous way.

1.   How did they respond? 

2.  Why didn’t they believe Rhoda when she told them Peter was there?



When you pray to the LORD, He will answer in the way He desires and with your best interests in mind and in His perfect timing. Pray for something big, out of the box, and keep praying about it. Who knows, God may answer it and do so in a miraculous way! 

Coloring & Activity Pages:

1. Peter & Rhoda

2. Wordsearch


Click here to download & print this activity.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

PreK-5th Grade Lesson: How Do Believers Live-Unlimited Loyalty! (8/23)

 How Believers Live

¯Unlimited Loyalty


Bible Reading: Acts 4:1-22; 5:12-42


Main Idea: In all situations, obey God first. 



“Peter and the other apostles replied: “We must obey God rather than human beings!”

-   Acts 5:29


It’s not always easy to do what God wants us to do. Sometimes the temptation or wanting to go along with what everyone else is doing is very strong. Some of the early Christians we will be reading about in Acts, had to make that choice; go along with what everyone else is telling them to do or face the trouble by obeying God.


Read Acts 5:17-21, 26-29

This Bible reading is about how the disciples performed many miracles through God’s power and how the High Priest were jealous so the put the disciples in prison. Something amazing happened that very night. 

1.   Why were the high priest and his associates jealous? 

2.  What was the “new life”?


Read Acts 5:41-42

These two verses are about how the disciples felt about the punishment they received for leading others to Jesus.

1.   How did they respond? 



We all have a choice. Jump in and do what everyone else is doing or telling you to do, or do what God says. If you don’t know, pray about that this week. ‘God, please help me to obey you more. If I’m in a difficult situation, please tell me what you want to do. I love you. Amen.”

Coloring & Activity Pages:

1. Peter Freed from Jail

2. Obey God & Tell Others

3. Wordsearch

Thursday, August 13, 2020

PreK-5th Grade Lesson: How Believers Live-Get Ready! (8/16)

 How Believers Live

¯Get Ready


Bible Reading: Acts 4:32—5:11


Main Idea: Give with all your heart.



“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”  

-   2 Corinthians 9:7


When giving to God, He wants us to give with all our hearts and wants us to be cheerful when we give. We will be talking about two stories with different endings that teach us the WHY we give is more important than what you give.


Read Acts 4:32-33

This Bible reading is Barnabas. He sold his field he owned and brought the money to the apostles and laid it down at their feet. Other Christians wanted to follow Barnabas’ example.


Read Acts 5:1-11

This passage is about Ananias and Sapphira. They sold some property and said that they gave ALL the money from the sale. That was not the case. They kept some of it. It wasn’t that they didn’t give all the money, but that they lied about it. Lying destroys trust. 

What is the lesson to be learned? 

(**Honesty and also shows us how not to give.)



When given the chance to tell the full truth even if it means you might get in trouble, think about this story of Ananias and Sapphira. God desires us to give honestly, gratefully, freely, and humbly. 

Coloring & Activity Pages:

Ananias & Sapphira lied to God.

Click here to download & print the coloring page!

Here's a fun word search about this week's lesson:

Click here to download & print the word search!

Thursday, August 6, 2020

PreK-5th Grade Lesson: How Believers Live--Power to Help Others! (8/09)

How Believers Live

¯Power to Help Others


Bible Reading: Acts 3:1-22; 9:36-43


Main Idea: The Holy Spirit helps us help others.



“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all the things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” 

-   John 14:26  


The Holy Spirit is an advocate. An advocate is someone who provides support; help. The Holy Spirit supports us and helps us live the way God desires us to. Remember the Fruit of the Spirit. He gives us love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. All these qualities are useful when wanting to help those in need. 


Read Acts 3:1-22

This Bible reading is about Peter and John going to the temple to pray and while entering, they come across a lame beggar; he couldn’t walk. This is a great story about the Holy Spirit giving Peter the power to help this man who couldn’t walk. He also told the people in the courtyard to do something very important. What was it? 


Read Acts 9:36-43

This is another story about how Peter, with the help of the Holy Spirit brought Lydda; also called Dorcas back to life. In the end, ALL glory was given back to God. This is important! 



In what ways can you serve others around you? It can be your family, a friend, someone at the grocery store, etc. Do it with joy and with love. 

Coloring Pages:

1. Peter Helps the Lame Man

Found at:

2. Peter Helps Dorcas 

Found at: