Thursday, June 11, 2020

Tim Tebow: JESUS & Sports

God Will Use Your Gifts Wherever You’re At! 
John 3:16—Tim Tebow

“I don't know what my future holds, but I do know who holds my future.” 
 Tim Tebow

Bible Reading: John 3:16 

Hello kids! During last month, we went through the series “Keep the faith…God Can Still Use You!” We learned about 5 individuals in the Old Testament that made mistakes, sinned against God, took their eyes off God, yet they were used in mighty ways by God.

Last week, we learned about the professional surfer; Bethany Hamilton. She lost her arm in a shark attack at 13 years old, yet she trusted God with her future and He used her to show others Jesus and what He means to her. 

This week, we will be talking about Tim Tebow. He was a college football star, professional football player and now plays baseball for the Syracuse Mets. His passion for football seemed to not work out for him like he wanted, however his first passion for Christ still shined through him. He has inspired and encouraged others to trust God, show that He has a plan, and will use you even when you feel like you can’t make a difference. 

Here’s a short video on Tim Tebow: Click Here!
(Parents might need to help explain some big words used…J)

Discussion Questions: 
1.         Do you feel like God can’t use you where you’re at? 
2.        Do you believe God will use you even when you feel you can’t do it or you failing? 
3.        What is a gift God has given you? Art (drawing, painting), teaching, learning-school, playing sports, giving gifts, wanting to help those in need (compassion)

Main Point: 
Tim Tebow was a football star for the University of Florida Gators. He won the Heisman Trophy as well as the Gators’ most valuable player award 3 times in a row. He went on to play professional football for the Denver Broncos for 2 seasons, New York Jets, New England Patriots, and Philadelphia Eagles. Football did not work out for him though. Even though football was a passion of his, Jesus was and is his greatest passion. He created Tebowing. He would pray before each game, give glory and honor to Him every time he made a touchdown throw, after every game, he would kneel giving thanks to God whether they lost or won. He even sang worship songs on the field. No matter what he did, he kept Jesus the center. He now plays baseball for the Syracuse Mets and he preaches often, writes books on how Jesus in control and leads his life. God used him and still does not matter what he’s doing. 

God wants to use you right where you are! Are you good at giving hugs? Give extra hugs and kisses to mom and dad. Great at school; help a peer who needs help. Tell those around you that you love them. If you enjoy art, draw/paint a beautiful picture for your loved ones. The world is full of hurt and disappointment, but keep your heart on God and He will do amazing things, just like Tim. He shares his love for Jesus no matter what he does or where he’s at. Whether he’s speaking God’s truth to thousands of people on stage, playing football, or playing baseball.  

How do we stay focused especially if the world seems crazy or your having a hard time? 
-    Pray to God for His help.  
-    Read Your Bible—Look at the book of Philippians (parents read Philippians with the younger kiddos).
-    Worship God through song and spending time in nature.
-    Have a thankful heart! Be thankful for what God has given you!

1.   In honor of Tim Tebow grab a ball of any sort and have your family sit in a circle. Take turns throwing the ball to each other and when each time a person catches the ball have them share a way God can use them today. If a family member gets stuck, work with each other on finding each person’s strengths and help them see the ways that God could use those strengths and talents He has provided.

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