1st-5th Grade-June 28th
¯ Bible Bad Guys-Pharaoh
Main Point: We need to listen and obey when God Speaks to us. It is a waste of our time to not do what God wants if we know what He is asking of us.
Bible Reading:
Exodus 5:1-5
Exodus 7:14-21
Exodus 14:5-9
Memory Verse: Psalm 1:5-6
Main Lesson:
Click here to watch the lesson introduction!Pharaoh had a hard heart. He didn’t want to let God’s people go. God wanted His people free. In the end, think about what happened to Pharaoh’s army. It turned out worse than if he listened to begin with. When He (God) speaks, we need to listen and obey.
It’s silly and a waste of time fighting a fight you will never win. Think about a football coach whose team is down 50 points. Should he play his best players and risk them getting hurt because they are super tired. Pharaoh didn’t know when to quit…he was so stubborn and did not listen.
Read Exodus 5:1-5
As the ruler of Egypt, Pharaoh was in charge of the most powerful nation on Earth at the time. He even had an entire nation of people be slaves to the Egyptians; the Israelites, the children of God. He wanted them free from Pharaoh and slavery, but Pharaoh was not going to let them go just like that. Pharaoh didn’t know about the God of Israel. Pharaoh was his own god so of course he wasn’t going to listen to this other God. He was about to learn the hard way to LISTEN.
Read Exodus 7: 14-21
The 10 Plagues…God showed His awesome power through this yet Pharaoh’s heart remained hard until the final plague. Who knows what the 10th plague was?? The Angel of Death came and the firstborn in every household died…Pharaoh’s son died from this plague. He decided to let the Israelites go but then sent his men and chariots to capture them. Who knows what happened to Pharaoh’s men after God’s people made it through the parted Red Sea?
Ready Exodus 14:5-9
Let’s think about Pharaoh’s story. He’s a perfect example of someone who doesn’t know when enough is enough.
When God speaks, we need to listen NOW. He has a plan for each of us. We can only do His plan if we are listening and obeying Him. He is patient and forgiving, but He will not back down from His plan for you.
Many other stories in the Bible teach the same lesson. Jonah and the whale. Jonah was told to speak to the sinful nation of Nineveh, but he ran away on a ship, God sent a storm and he ended up getting eaten by a whale to refocus Jonah.
Is God speaking to you today? If He’s not or you don’t know, He probably will in the future. He might want you to become friends with someone who has no friends. He might ask you to stand up and do the right thing even if it means you could lose a friend.
Remember this story of Pharaoh. Listen & obey God NOW. It’s God’s way, and great things will happen because you listened to Him.
Discussion Questions:
1. Have you gotten in trouble over and over again for doing something you were told not to do? What was it?
2. What was your punishment? Why did you keep doing it after being told over and over again not to do that?
3. What does this story about Pharaoh tell us about not obeying God?
4. Why do you think it’s hard to listen & obey God sometimes?
Coloring Page:
The Ten Plagues
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Word Search
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