Thursday, June 4, 2020

Story of Bethany Hamilton!

God Will Use Your Gifts Wherever You’re At! 
Philippians 4:13—Bethany Hamilton

“We can put our hope, trust, and future in Jesus because He has overcome the world. He can give you the strength and peace to overcome trials too.”
-    Bethany Hamilton

Bible Reading: John 16:33; Philippians 4:13 

Click Here to Watch Lesson!

Hey kids! We finished our series, “Keep the faith…God Can Still Use You!” We learned about 5 individuals in the Old Testament that made mistakes, sinned against God, took their eyes off God, yet they were used in mighty ways by God. The next two weeks will be similar, but also a little different. I will talk about two people who are alive today who have inspired, encouraged others to trust God, show that He has a plan, and will use you even when you feel like you can’t make a difference. 

This week, I will be introducing Bethany Hamilton. Her story is an incredible story. She grew up in Hawaii and LOVED surfing & LOVED Jesus. She wanted to be a professional surfer and she was training and working hard to do just that. However, at age of 13, she was out in the water for her early morning surfing session, when she was attacked by a Tiger Shark. The shark ended up taking her left arm and her dream of surfing was nearly ended in a matter of seconds. 

Here’s a short video on Bethany Hamilton: Click Here!

Discussion Questions: 
1.         Do you feel like God can’t use you where you’re at? 
2.        Do you think the gifts He gave you can’t be used? 
3.        What is a gift God has given you? Art (drawing, painting), teaching, learning-school, playing sports, giving gifts, wanting to help those in need (compassion)

Main Point: 
Bethany’s dream of being a professional surfer nearly ended in a split second, but through the support of her family, her church, her Youth Leader, her community, she overcame. She worked hard to try to seek God’s purpose for this huge challenge. She learned to surf with one arm and is now a world champion professional surfer. She trusted God, and God showed her that He can use her no matter where she’s at in the world, and want she’s doing; surfing, encouraging other kids that have had their worlds turned upside down, they lose someone special to them, they’re really sick, they’re moving away from their friends, or have just moved here and don’t have any friends yet.  

God wants to use you right where you are! Are you good at giving hugs! Give extra hugs to mom and dad. Great at school; help a peer who needs help. Tell those around you that you love them. If you enjoy art, draw/paint a beautiful picture for your loved ones. The world is full of hurt and disappointment, but keep your heart on God and He will do amazing things, just like Bethany. She shares her love for Jesus while surfing monster waves. 

How do we stay focused especially if the world seems crazy or your having a hard time? 
-    Pray to God for His help.  
-    Read Your Bible—Look at the book of Philippians (parents read Philippians with the younger kiddos).
-    Worship God through song and spending time in nature.
-    Have a thankful heart! Be thankful for what God has given you! 

In the spirit of Bethany, have each family member design a surfboard with their favorite Bible verses on it and hang it up as a source of encouragement this week. When you look at it, you’ll remember God’s promises to you just as Bethany Hamilton remembered. 

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