1st-2nd Grade-June 21st
¯ Bible Bad Guys-The Snake
Main Point: If we don’t say anything when someone is doing something wrong, we are just as bad as them.
Bible Reading: Genesis 3:1-8; 14-15
Memory Verse: Psalm 1:5-6
Introduction: Click Here to Watch Lesson Intro.
In the Garden of Eden…Adam and Eve were not the only ones punished. The serpent tempted them. Satan used the snake to tempt Adam and Eve. Being a GOOD guy is a lot more than not doing wrong. It’s standing up for what’s right.
Main Lesson:
Have you seen something happen where someone did something wrong and the people around just watched it happen? Was someone at school being bullied? Was one of your friends cheating on a test and you didn’t say anything?
Read Genesis 3:1-8
God created Adam & Eve! The two of them had everything they needed. God blessed them greatly. They had a close relationship with the Lord, they had food, they had each other, everything needed. That was all ruined when they ate the forbidden fruit. It became a blaming game. Adam blamed Eve. Eve blamed the snake. The question here is, was the snake really the one to blame?
Everyone involved was punished…Adam, Eve, and the snake that Satan used to tempt Eve.
Read Genesis 3:14-15
After reading these verses, we see how God also punished the snake. The snake was used by Satan. God shows us here how He feels about people who don’t stand up against sin. If sin takes place, and you don’t say anything, it’s just as bad.
We all know right and wrong. Again, think about your friends at school. It’s challenging when you’re at school. We all want friends and to be liked, but is it right to allow wrong to happen even if we aren’t doing it. God wants us to not only follow the rules but also stand up for what is right.
Should we ignore our friends if they are planning to do something mean to someone else? Speak up!
If a good friend of yours is trying to get you or another friend to do the wrong thing; cheat on a test, pick on the small kid…Speak up! Don’t let your friends sin.
Remember when Eve at the forbidden fruit? What did Adam do? He knew God didn’t want them to eat the fruit but he didn’t try to stop Eve. He ate it too.
It’s easy to just turn our eyes away and ignore someone doing something wrong or we just point our fingers at everyone else. However, God asks more from us. Stand up! Speak up! Be the GOOD guy! Don’t just follow the rules…stand up for what you know is right and for what you know God wants you to do.
Discussion Questions:
1. Why is doing nothing when you know it’s wrong just as bad as doing something wrong?
2. Why is it hard to stand up to others and do the right thing? Especially with your friends?
3. How can we make sure we’re ready to face hard situations like that?
4. Do you have a person or situation that is making it hard for you to be the ‘good’ guy? We encourage you to pray and ask God how to talk to this person or try to help the situation.
Coloring page:
Adam & Eve In the Garden
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Click here to download & print coloring page! |
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