Thursday, May 21, 2020

WEEK 4: Samson

Keep the Faith…God Can Still Use You! 

Week 4: Samson

Bible Reading: Judges 16:17-30

Hey kids! We are on week 4 of our series. Last week I talked about Gideon; one of Israel’s judges…but he was scared that he didn’t have what it took to beat the Midianites and that made him question God. 

This week, we will be learning about Samson; a man God was going to use for His holy purpose in helping free Israel from the Philistines. However, Samson made some bad decisions based on what he wanted…not what God wanted and needed him to do. That led to Samson losing all his mighty, God-given strength. Though he lost his strength, God had a plan and still used Samson in mighty ways and even gave back his strength due to his faith. 

Samson’s story is found in Judges 13-16 

Discussion Questions: 
Read Judges 6:17-30
1.   Based on the first couple verses, who was Samson? 
2.  Why was he NOT supposed to cut his long hair? What would happen?
3.  What did Delilah want so bad that she had Samson’s hair cut off? (Money)
4.  This may be a harder question…What was Samson doing that God did not want him to do? (He was allowing his own wants to take over and forgot what God created him to do)
5.  Read Judges 16:20-30. What happened to Samson at the end of this Bible reading that showed us God still used him even though he made terrible mistakes?
·      What did Samson do in verse 28? (His faith in God was seen through prayer)

Main Point: 
Samson was made for an amazing purpose. God was going to use him to help free Israel from the Philistines. However, Samson lost sight of what God wanted and he started to live his life based on the things he wanted. He also used the gifts and skills God blessed him with unwisely. He disobeyed God and told his secret to Delilah about what would happen if he cut his hair. After Samson lost his strength and his eyes, he turned back to God and with great faith and his God-given strength, brought down the temple on the Philistine leaders and people. 

**We all make mistakes; some mistakes are bigger than others. However, God has a plan and purpose for each of us just as He had a great plan for Samson. Keep growing your faith in the Lord and that will help you in keeping your eyes on what God wants. How can we do that? 
-    Pray often
-    Read His Word
-    Worship God
-    Be thankful even during the hard times

Like you and I, Samson disobeyed God and made some mistakes during his time as Israel’s judge. He allowed his wants to control him and forgot about what God wanted him to do and used his gifts God gave him unwisely. 
**Even though Samson made mistakes and disobeyed, his faith was seen when finally looked to God and did what He wanted him to do; help free Israel from the Philistines. 

1.   I want all of you to find a Bible verse, or maybe you already have one to help you in times of doubt or when you’re having a hard time trusting God. Memorize it! 
I will be needing this later this month! ;) 

2.  We just sang about the overwhelming, never-ending, love of God that chases us down and longs for us to be near even when we don’t deserve it. Can you think of a time you did something you weren’t proud of? Maybe lied? Yelled at your mom? Were you mean to a friend?  Draw it…. then take a red crayon or marker and draw and color in such a big heart over it that you can’t even see what you drew before.  THIS is the power of God’s love for you! Just like God gave Samson the power to overcome his sin, He also gave it you through Jesus!  God’s love covers your sin and He will always be there to pick you up when you fall. Don’t forget it!

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