Thursday, April 23, 2020

Jesus, The Good Shepherd ✝️ ๐Ÿ‘

I AM The Good Shepherd

Worship With The Wonderful Ms. Whitney:
Click Here: Worship Time!!

Bible Reading:
·      John 10: 7-16 
·      Psalm 23

Fun Video for Kids:
“The Good Shepherd” 

Discussion Questions: Read John 10: 7-16.
1.    Why does Jesus compare us to sheep? 

2.   Think about sheep. What are they like? Have you ever gone to a petting zoo and petted a sheep? Were they smelly and possibly dirty? The owner has to clean them. How about in a pasture? Who protects the sheep if they wander and get lost?

3.   We know how to clean ourselves of the dirt and grime from outside, but what is the dirt that we can’t get rid of by ourselves? (Sin) 

4.   We just talked about sheep. Jesus is comparing His people to sheep. Who is our Shepherd? Why is Jesus like a Shepherd? 

****Watch this cute video of a young shepherd calling his sheep. They know his voice.

5.   When we start to wander away and maybe are making not very good decisions, what does Jesus do? Just like sheep wandering off, what does the shepherd do? 

Activity: Read Psalm 23.
Can you point out the things that God does that is good, or that He provides to His people in this chapter? 

Make a list. I’ll start: 

*I lack nothing…God has given me all that I need.
*He quiets my heart and my thoughts and allows me to rest. 

Main Point: Jesus is Good. Jesus Provides. Jesus Knows His people & Leads Them in the Right Direction. He is the Good Shepherd. He brings us back when we get lost. He laid down His life for us by dying on the cross. We are His and we can trust Him to provide, to lead us in the right direction, to give us rest when we’re tired. He protects us from Satan. He comforts us with His truth and we know Him and He knows us. 

Application: Listen for Jesus’ voice and do what He says, because He is the Good Shepherd…And He says to love our neighbor (Matt. 22:39). The whole church is working on being a good neighbor. So kids, what can you do?
Click Here: Be a Good Neighbor!!

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