Keep the Faith…God Can Still Use You!
Week 1: Sarah
Bible Reading: Genesis 18:1-15
Introduction: Click Here!
Hello kids! Over the next 5 weeks, we will be learning about some very important people in the Bible that God used in His plan to save us even though these individuals disobeyed Him. Even though they disobeyed, they kept their faith in God and He still used them in amazing ways…becoming part of the greatest event in history.
This week, we are going to talk about Sarah! Her story is found in Genesis 11-25.
Discussion Questions:
Read Genesis 18:1-15
1. Who was she? (She was the wife of Abraham)
2. What did she (and Abraham) want, but couldn’t? (A child)
3. Why couldn’t she have a child? (She was too old to have a child)
4. What was God’s promise to her and to Abraham? (A son and be the start of a nation)
o Genesis 12:2-3
5. After reading Genesis 18:1-15, what did Sarah do in verse 12? (She laughed)
6. Read verses 13-14. What did God say?
Main Point:
Sarah laughed because she didn’t believe she was going to have a baby at her old age. She doubted God's promise....He said she would have a son? Sarah even lied to God when He said she laughed in verse 15.
Although she didn’t believe God, lied to Him saying she didn’t laugh, and did not trust God’s timing and she would do things on her own, she still went back to her faith in God.
Sarah disobeyed just like you and I do, but God saw her faith and used her even though she sinned.
**Sarah became the mother of a nation just as God promised…and she’s in the bloodline of Jesus. She is the first woman listed in the Hall of Faith in Hebrews 11.
Kids, I want you to start thinking about 2 things this week:
1. Mother’s Day is coming up on May 10th. What is something you can do to show how much you love and appreciate her or your grandma, aunt, any woman that is special to you.
o Make a nice card, help dad cook breakfast for her, write a poem for her, do the dishes, help her plant the garden or help with yard work, etc.
2. I want all of you to find a Bible verse, or maybe you already have one to help you in times of doubt or when you’re having a hard time trusting God. Memorize it!
I will be needing these later in May! ;)